4 Ways to Prevent Dental Accidents

Whether it's a motor vehicle accident; sporting injury; slip, trip or fall; or something you ate; dental accidents can happen at any time – but that doesn't mean you can't take steps to protect your teeth, gums and jaws from injury.

This way, you can help lower the risk of your teeth getting chipped, cracked or knocked out, dislocating your jaw and other emergency situations that may require intensive treatments to fix.

Here are 4 steps that adults, teenagers and children can take to make dental accidents less likely or less severe.

1. Keep your teeth healthy

Strong and healthy teeth are less prone to damage than teeth that have been weakened or worn down. Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss once a day and try to cut down on sugar, as this feeds the bacteria in plaque and increases the risk of tooth decay.[1]

Also try to limit acidic drinks such as fruit juices and wine, as these can soften the hard enamel surface of your teeth and make them easier to damage. Tap water and milk are the best drinks for your teeth, as they often have fluoride and calcium respectively which help to protect and strengthen your teeth.[1]

2. Be careful what you put in your mouth

One common reason for a chipped or cracked tooth is biting down on something hard. Take care while eating, and avoid eating or chewing on hard things such as bones; nuts; un-popped popcorn pens and pencils; or your fingernails as they can cause teeth to break. [2]; When opening packaging, such as bottle tops or plastic packets, use the proper tools, not your precious teeth!

3. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports

If you or your child play sport, or you enjoy any other activities where there may be a risk of injury to your mouth, dentists recommend that you wear a custom-fitted mouthguard.

These offer more protection for your teeth and jaws than products bought elsewhere, as they're made using impressions of your teeth to give an exact fit, rather than being loose or badly-fitting.[2]

4. Have regular dental check-ups

Sometimes, there can be a problem with your teeth or gums and you won't even know it. Keeping up with your regular dental visits increases the chance that any problems will be noticed before they cause damage and while they're still easy to treat.[3]

That's why we recommend that you visit our Sydney dentists twice a year for your check-up and clean. During your appointment, we can also remove plaque that may have built up on your teeth and recommend any preventive treatments we think you could benefit from to make problems less likely to develop.

Talk to our emergency dentists in Sydney

We give priority treatment to urgent patients with emergency situations at Sailors Bay Dentistry, so our dentists can see you as soon as possible.

Call us now on (02) 9958 0400 or contact us online so we can give you advice or book a same-day appointment at our clinic.


1] Dental Health Services Victoria. Food and drink for healthy teeth [Online] 2009 [Accessed May 2018] Available from: https://www.dhsv.org.au/dental-advice/teeth-tips-and-facts/food-and-drink

[2] Healthdirect. Dental injury [Online] 2017 [Accessed May 2018] Available from: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/dental-injury

[3] Australian Dental Association. Dental First Aid: How to handle a dental emergency [Online] 2016 [Accessed May 2018] Available from: https://www.ada.org.au/getattachment/Your-Dental-Health/Resources-for-Professionals/Resources-for-Teens-12-17/dental-first-aid-how-to-handle-a-dental-emergency/Dental-first-aid,-how-to-handle-a-dental-emergency.pdf.aspx

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