How Can I Get to the Dentist When I Have Children to Look After?

Parents of little children may be overdue for their dental check-up, and may find it challenging to get it done. This is one of the common problems that mums and dads face.

Many of us that work at Sailors Bay Dentistry are parents too, so we can understand how hard it could be to juggle everything. We have built a play room so that kids can remain occupied whilst someone else in the family is having their teeth checked.

Our playroom is within the waiting room area. It is an enclosed space with blocks and toys for the little ones, and iPads for the older children. We often find it challenging to get the kids away from the playroom when it is time for them to go in for their appointment.

If you would like to be present for your child’s appointment, we also have sitting-space within our surgeries for you and any other children you may have. Watching an older sibling get their check-up and clean done is one of the ways for younger children to become comfortable with the dental experience. We are always happy for the little ones to sit in the chair and familiarise themselves so they may feel comfortable during their dental visits.

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